Baby Monkey Private Eye


Bathtowel, Barbara. Famous Pizza Crimes. Manchester, NH: Carmine Press, 1982.

Carrot, Ashley. Animals Who Look Like They Have No Noses. 2nd Edition. Miami: Jamabalaya Books, 1997.

Englehardt, Lucy. Famous Circus Crimes. London: Astonishing Books, 1948.

Eyelash, Melissa. Predators Who Eat Pizza. With an Introduction by Bartram Capshaw, Ph.D. Pittsburgh: Persephone Press, 1980.

Gergle, Luis. Famous Jewel Crimes. Topeka, KS: Yohe Books, 1979.

Golightly, Evan. Pizza Pride. Albuquerque: Harmony Press, 1992.

Hobbypocket, Herbert. Famous Space Crimes. East Brunswick, NJ: Irving J. Warnsdorfer, 1966.

Mobbit, Hans, and Wilma Bradenton, eds. Tiny Animals, Giant Crimes. Detroit: Amethyst Press, 1957.

Moshi, Moshe. Famous Babies I Have Known. Tel Aviv: Bubbe Books, 1988.

Pillow, Aimee. Animals Who Like Jewelry. Bicentennial edition. North Islip, NY: Camembert Books, 1976 [1926].

Zanzibar, Jeanine. Healthy Snacks for Growing Primates. Madison, WI: Harlow Books, 1994.